"You get past the discombobulated part and hit a moment of flow, no matter how fleeting" -- that has got to be about the best description of a first draft I have ever read. And I read this just before diving into an essay I want to be good (will it be? who knows) but that has been sitting in shitty first draft form for over a year. Reading this made me feel better about going into it again. There's some synchronicity right there.
"You get past the discombobulated part and hit a moment of flow, no matter how fleeting" -- that has got to be about the best description of a first draft I have ever read. And I read this just before diving into an essay I want to be good (will it be? who knows) but that has been sitting in shitty first draft form for over a year. Reading this made me feel better about going into it again. There's some synchronicity right there.
Thank you for linking to my essay!
I love the synchronicity. And can’t wait to see what it ends up being :)
Well, my friend-colleague who gave me feedback essentially said I'm not writing about what I think I'm writing about, so that's a good start. 😂
Haha perfect. Wonder if I can apply this to my papercuts. Maybe I’m not making the art that I think I am?? 😂
All of these, but especially #15-#19 !
Yes to more mermaid papercuts. Scales must be tricky, buy I'm sure once you figure them out will be oh so satisfying.
Why are we so hard on ourselves?!
Love this!! And look forward to a Muse series ♥️
#23, every time. 💕
Love the muse at the end!!
"Problems become less threatening, more interesting." YES. I really love (eventually) getting to this part in every creative cycle.
Your depiction of your creative process making paper cut is a gem - you really nailed it haha!
Yes please to muses 😍
Can muses be non-human?
Kelp and barnacle muses?? :)