
I love thinking of shadows and moments of light and dark because it helps me to see objects in a different way. When I did more black & white film photography before, I was always drawn to the shadows that objects cast because it represented a specific moment of time โ€” how you see an object at that moment will never be the same since the shadow will transform with the quality of the light from the sun and time of day. I think there is something so magical in noticing those small moments. I actually noticed the shadows today on some collage pieces I had cut out but not yet glued down โ€” I ended up loving the shadows more than the pieces themselves! ;-)

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I have so many shadow photos on my phone since writing this ๐Ÿ˜‚ itโ€™s definitely an excellent tool for noticing the little things isnโ€™t it?

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May 13, 2023Liked by Anna Brones

Anna, I love this! I really love observing the shadows when it snows. The bare trees casting long shadows in the snow can be so stunning. I also love right after daylight saving time changes. It feels like the shadows look just a bit different and I always look forward to it. I love the fern picture, so pretty!

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I make shadow portraits-- still photos and videos-- of my dog while we're hiking together. He is made of triangles and I love the shape of him.

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Thatโ€™s so fun!

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